Novel Proofreader

Affordable & Professional Novel Proofreading Services


I offer quality novel proofreading at low prices.

I strive to ensure my rates are affordable for all traditional, small press, micro press, subsidy press, indie, e-book, and self-published authors.

First-time clients receive a discount, bringing the cost down to 1 cent per word!

Calculate the proofreading cost for your novel like so:

First-time client: $0.01 x word count

Returning client: $0.012 x word count

That’s only $2.50 or $3.00 per page.

(A standard manuscript page is 250 words.)

Pay for novel proofreading in two separate payments:

The first half is due when I start proofreading; the second half is due when I finish.

I’ll send an easy-to-pay invoice through PayPal. You don’t need a PayPal account to pay, and credit cards are accepted.