Novel Proofreader

Affordable & Professional Novel Proofreading Services

Did You Publish Without Proofreading?

published without proofreading

It happens more often than you might think.
Perhaps in your eagerness to launch your novel, you published or uploaded it to Kindle before it was thoroughly proofread, assuming it would be good enough, or that a few typos wouldn’t hurt anything.

Only now, you’ve discovered that the errors do hurt.
The truth is, readers have no patience for novels that haven’t been properly proofread. If they happen to buy such a book, they’ll feel cheated. They probably won’t finish reading, and they certainly won’t buy the author’s next book. Some disappointed readers may even leave hurtful reviews. After all, when someone pays money for a novel, they expect to read a polished book.

In fact, Amazon is now flagging books with too many errors, warning customers against them.
Yikes! After all the work you’ve done to create your book, you don’t want to jeopardize its chances of actually being bought, read, and enjoyed.

If you published too soon, take heart.
It’s not too late. A thorough, professional proofread will eliminate the errors, after which you can republish your novel and give it the second chance it deserves.

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